Ezekiel 33-35
We are in the Prophetic Stream reading from the New American Standard Bible. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Streams | Donate
Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
33 – The Lord makes it quite clear that a Believer has a duty to warn one who is straying in disobedience. If we, in God’s safe keeping, look out and see one proceeding into perdition, that man’s blood is on us if we do not take the responsibility to warn him that destruction lies ahead if he does not repent and make amends. Yes, we are guilty for what he does if we play the politically correct game and remain aloof dismissing the matter with platitudes of “respecting others views”, minding one’s own business, honoring their privacy, live and let live, blah blah and such gobbledy. Regardless of their response to our warning, we are absolved of any guilt as long as we speak to them what God would have us say as corrective direction. 18 months or thereabouts after Jerusalem was sacked [586 B.C.] the first exiles from Judah arrived in Ezekiel’s territory of Babylon. His tone to the arrivals is more or less, “what did you think was going to happen. You are [top to bottom] as idolatrous as witchdoctors, you murder with glee, you swap wives like you were exchanging coupons at a store, Did you want God to bless this?!” God had it to wipe out all of you for your sedition. You’re fortunate to be alive. So don’t even intimate the ‘gee, doesn’t God love us?’ malarkey!” God had to strip Israel/Judah because of your sinfulness. Don’t act aghast.” As the rest of the Judeans arrived in Babylon, they admired Ezekiel, but they didn’t listen to him either – just like they hadn’t been listening to God. They would, however, come to revere Ezekiel in time.