May 21


Exodus 27-29

We are in the World Stream today reading more about the construction the altar, tabernacle, etc. from the New International Version. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Streams

Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis

Dear Lord prepare us for our meeting with you. The beauty of what is coming together in this reading today is simple and intricate and beautiful; beautiful as meeting you daily as we prepare to meet you face to face one day.

27 – Here we find the description of the bronze altar and the court of the Tabernacle. The altar was 15′ X 15′ and 9′ high. The details for the courtyard that would encircle the Tabernacle are many. The court was 150′ X 75′.  The linen curtains and loops and poles and lamps is rather interesting. There are helpful drawings and illustrations if searching then on the internet helps you see it better. “Tabernacle in the wilderness” should take you enough options.

28 – The garments for the priests; Aaron and his sons were of vital importance. The included the ephod (the breastpiece), there were gems within the garments.  The outfits were symbolic, precise, intricate, and beautiful – even inspiring. This was such a significant element of their worship. I may seem hard to grasp for many today when the dresscode has degraded to “hey, wear whatever!”  But Jesus told one parable where those who attended a wedding were expelled from the event for having the wrong outfit on.  This was also illustrative of paradise where those who are clothed in Christ are the only ones allowed to enter. Anyone else with any other outfit is cast into outer darkness.  My husband and I may have a better insight into this as we work in Hollywood and it is crucial that every woman at every event be found in a unique dress. To be seen in any way similar to another woman’s outfit is a perceived nightmare. The opposite rule goes for men – they must all look identical in black tuxedos/white shirt/black bowtie. To be seen in any variance of this is an extreme taboo.  Dressing for God matters FAR more. So it may require some mental effort, but understanding and seeing the priests outfits for the deep meaning that they carried is a rich endeavor.
29 – The consecrating of the Priests was the setting aside these men / their lives unto ministry was a grave matter (deathly serious) <– if we may embrace a tone of such.  They were to have their outfits and to wear them properly.  They were not to be slapped on and then take a dumb stumble into the courtyard for some yaha time with God before the people. Heavens no. This was as serious as the nation’s very existence.  If this stuff didn’t matter, then nothing else mattered…and vice versa.  There were sacrifices to me made and they were to be folllowed to the “T”.  There was food to be prepared and that must be done in a flawless manner also.
 Why all this detail in today’s reading? This is all described here and then it is described again in Exodus 35-40 as they are building it. We may look at this and, putting our thinking today against the mindset in the Sinai, only to be thinking now, “heard that before – got it the first time.”  This repetition only asserts the extreme importance – it is not a laborious repeat.    The TAbernacle was a foreshadow, a “likeness” of something heavenly.  The reminder to look back on this in Hebrews 8:5 is intriguing.  The significance of being right before a glorious God never goes away.  It’s similar to the issue that arrives in construction. Get the blueprints done perfectly, follow them precisely and comprehensively, build it properly and the final product is eternally right.  This matters to all involved in any construction project. and to the occupants that shall reside/and/or work there later? .  How could anything we do be of greater importance that what God wants built. Does precision and beauty and strength and value matter to God. You bet you life it does.  Listen again to the final verse today – God does this “that He might dwell among them for He is the Lord their God.”   Nothing matters more than this!

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