Psalm 69-72
We are in the Wisdom Stream reading some of King David’s psalms. We are using the New Living Translation this week. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Stream | Donate
Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
69 – This is a cry for relief from suffering that is slamming David at so many levels; spiritually, physically, socially. It is akin to Psalm 22 in its desperation tone. Ps. 69 is quoted 8 times in the N.T. David feels he is going down in so many ways. And amid this pain he remains confessional and deeply committed to God’s house. He is wading through a slough of ridicule, rejection, derision – so much so that he feels that the insults are going to kill him. He’s really going under … so it seems. He wants all his punishers to be punished, and those who are punishing him are just about everybody. David wants people to just let him be and let him be with his God again, undisturbed. David wants to praise God in jubilation [a little more joy and a little less anguish in his worship it that’s not too much to ask!!] David also wants lovers of God to be well. It’s a landmark prayer coming from a good heart bent on walking with God.