Leviticus 14-16
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Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
14 – This is the next installment of the two chapters [13,14] on skin diseases: dealing with infections of the skin, cleansing them, stopping infection as best as possible, and stopping the spread of infection. This meant dealing with and eradicating mildew, and keeping leprosy contained. It is interesting the way the priest is integrally involved in people’s cleanliness. It’s very different from what we hear today when a rebellious person declares, “it’s my life, I’ll do what I want. My life isn’t anyone else’s business…” Oh? We are each other’s business. We are God’s people. Our houses are God’s houses. They are not to be dens of diseases. Our lives do have import. We do affect each other. When we will not clean ourselves, it affects other people. Infections and disease spreads through reckless living, dirty living, careless habits, etc. In the pagan world there are such horrible diseases that are rampant. And on the convers, these diseases are virtually nonexistent where there is Judeo-Christian culture and people have Leviticus and the dermatology field that has sprung from this book.
15 – The issue of discharges were to be dealt with very specifically. The delineation between male and female is described and the solution for cleansing is prescribed. Again, the priests involvement is clearly laid out. And this too is the Lord’s business. Anyone who has sired, borne, and raised children knows that the cleansing of our young is vital to their health and survival. Neglect here will cascade into ailing health,a putrid environment, a decayed culture, and premature death. The fluids of semen among men and blood among women from menstruation were dire matters to deal with as God instructed them to. Life itself resided in and was transferred by way of these fluids and God is the God of life. Life needed to be handled precisely and fervently for they were to be a culture of life. It became a curse in Hebrew culture to have either of these fluids fall to the ground… it symbolized life returning to dust as God told Adam he would after he had sinned.