Revelation 18-22
Today we embark on our final voyage in the Church Stream as we complete our reading of the Bible from the Tree of Life Version. | @7streamsmethod | Donate
Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
Lord God of Heaven – you have told the people of earth for thousands of years what the future holds, where those who follow Christ end up in your Kingdom, and the fate of those who reject you. Man cannot say he has not been warned. May we be true to what we are called to do and continue as your servants to the end. Yes, May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. That is our prayer. Amen.
18 – We are still full stream in the judgments; the part II section that runs from Rev. 12 – 19. #18 is titled “Babylon has Fallen”. Babylon, the capital city that took Judea captive in 586 B.C. was overthrown soon thereafter. What is being referenced here is the future sin-headquarters of the world that God is going to finish off permanently. The Devil has used the world to corrupt people in the flesh since he snaked Adam & Eve out of Eden. Sin has this single source. And like any problem, stop the source and the problem is stopped. This is always God’s intention, so “Babylon” needs to fall. John references “the Euphrates” when he talked about both the sixth trumpet and the sixth bowl (remember this is all a “repeat’ chronologically of Rev. 6-11 – only with more detail. This Babylon-the-Great shall fall. This is the world’s system of commerce and politics. It is corrupt to the core and yet has had all the world in ‘her’ grip. Her sins are comprehensive and addictive. So before God calls down this final judgment on the core of sin in the world, God calls out one last time those who wish to escape the plagues. In a single hour this city will be reduced to a burning heap. The people of the whole world will be in awe at the destruction. On land and sea, merchants will be wide-eyed at the swift reduction of this place. The righteous remnant will not we pained over this for Babylon had been the source of condemnation upon God’s people. I.e. Babylon is overwith. It’s all smoke and ashes, then it falls silent. Her tormenting of God’s people has stopped for she is no more.
19 – The roar and celebration in heaven because of Babylon falling is epic. This event is overdue by several millenia, and the praise in heaven is marvelous. “Hallelujah” is shouted exultantly four times in a row as multitudes and angels and elders celebrate in worship. Did you know this is the only time we find “hallelujah” in the New Testament?! It’s an exciting event indeed. And the time of the wedding of the Lamb of God and the Church to be with her Savior has arrived. What joy! And then it’s time for the final battle of this age. The Lord rides out with sword and makes war on all the patrons and merchants of Babylon (the prostitute). He is the King and Lord of all and He invites the birds to come gorge on the hundreds of millions of dead left from this battle. This is not going to be a “G” rated scene, btw. The beast is captured right as the battle is to commence. This is the beast that was termed “Mystery Babylon” that represented the false religious system. Remember this ‘Mystery Babylon’ also being referred to as the Lamb Beast or the adulterous woman? About now the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire as the birds start to feast on the dead that are strewn as far as the eye can see. Like I said, ‘better not have the kids watch this one or they won’t sleep too well that night.
20 – This is the only mention of the verbatim “1000-year reign of Christ” in the Bible. Isaiah 11 talks about characteristics of the millennium. And we will just be telling you what is in ch. 20 here without parsing out all the views that spring from this chapter. The best distillation of this concept that we have found is “Christ’s Coming and His Kingdom” by Keith Bailey. We knew Keith personally, he was a dear godly saint, but he has passed on and his former publisher is out of business. So though Bailey’s book can be found, it’s getting more difficult. That being said, Satan is seized and thrown into the Abyss for 1000 years. The Millennium of blessing, now undeterred, is able to take place. Those who were killed during the Tribulation came back to life to abide in the Millennium…for the entire millennium! When this is over, the Devil is released to gather his army to fight the people of God. God then rains down fire and throws the Devil into the Lake of Fire for ever where the Beast and false prophet already are. Then is the Judgment. Names who are in the Book of Life are the Redeemed. Those who are not in the Bood of Life are judged and condemned. It’s a grim day as they are thrown into the Lake of Fire.
21 – Then John sees the New Heaven and New Earth as the former are passed away. It’s the New Jerusalem. Here’s a picture for you: my husband read this chapter 21 & 22 while standing on the top of the wall surrounding Jerusalem on New Year’s Eve 1985 under a 3/4 moon. It gives you the chills. There’s one for your ‘dream list’! Back to the future! –> God is among them, all sadness and grief is gone, God is making all things new. The curse if broken. Those committed to their sin will not be there. Then God shows John the New Jerusalem. It’s as dazzling as a bride in white. It’s 1400-1500 miles in a cube, transparent, gem filled, crystal, glass, gold, artful, the beautiful water, colors, colors, colors beyond description. Our closest rendition of it is the Hubbel Telescope photos. That is the art on God’s Wall, btw! John continues: he sees the wall of this New Jerusalem, the precious stones that comprise the gates, and he notices no sun nor Temple for God is there. We’re not coming in to a Temple to reconnect with Him anymore. We’re with Him.
22 – John saw the River of the Water of Life. There is trees, there is fruit, there is healing and all of us belong to God. John pauses to exclaim that all of this is true. Don’t you love that he said that throughout his gospel as well. It’s awesome. The lines are drawn and the description of those who are in this city and those who are barred from this city are clearly delineated. The Spirit calls us to come to this city that will stand forever. It is reward for those who have Christ Jesus in their heart and His Name on their forehead. Do you think it is worth telling people about this city wherein citizenship is free for the praying as God’s grace is our entry pass
May His grace be with you eternally. Until we meet on the other side of the Jordan, the Lord Bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. May He look upon you with joy, and grant you His peace. Amen.
We resume in Genesis 1:1 tomorrow.