December 17

Deuteronomy 29-31

We are in the World Stream reading from the New Century Version. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Streams | Donate

Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis

Lord Jesus, you are good and true, all the time. And we thank you for that.  Amen.

29 – Moses gathers them for final reminders and briefings.  It is very late in Moses’ life. He is 120, time is running out for him and he must say these things on behalf of God who had brought them this far.  He has them recollect that they have been fed and clothed (without farming or weaving!) this last 40 years in the desert. They’ve been blessed and cared for as well as protected from heat/cold/enemies.  They have suffered when reverting to idols. They’ve been blessed as they saw God work mightily in their favor.  Moses told them the immensity of their calling and testimony as they stand in for the Lord God to be a light to the nations – and most of the world traversed through here, so it isn’t a trifle assignment!  God was placing them and He had a worldwide strategy for doing so.  Simply put, they must adhere themselves, their lives, minds, families/children to the teachings of the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses – who was speaking to them still.

30 – The issue is driven even deeper as Moses asserts that God is even going to love them back, even if he has to do reparation on them and bring them back from captivity that they drive themselves into.  Yes, God is that true. Yes, people will prove to be that fickle, dull-headed, disobedient, and shallow.  “Hey, we’re nearing the end of dress rehearsal, folks!  Show time will be go time in no time!  The curtain is raising and you will go in and the fight is on – and God will be with you.  Just obey and win.!”  This isn’t difficult. God asks nothing of you that is too hard for you.  Stay on the straight and narrow.  Certain death awaits the soul who strays from my path. God WANTS to bless and establish you – you must let Him do so …. by way of your obedience.
31 – Moses starts to say his goodbyes.  He more or less declares that his time is up, Joshua will take it from here and the Lord leads you; His Nation.  Did you catch the epochal event when Moses takes all he has written and hands it to the priests? That document he wrote was the centerpiece of the world God intends to work through. It is the manual for monotheism.  It went to the Priests/Levites and it was up to them to relay all that was parlayed from God.  Those who would adhere to this document would find life, while those who shunned it would do so to their own demise!  It was read, but not enough.  Nehemiah’s day it was read to the people comprehensively.  But the gap between Moses and Nehemiah was too long of a patchy run for biblical illiteracy. The people couldn’t say that God or Moses failed to tell them.
Then God called Moses and Joshua to the tent of meeting and gave them a sobering word about the people’s penchant and hopeless tendency to disobey.  Astonishing isn’t it?! Nonetheless, they were to be given an anthem; a song to sing that would help remind them and rally them to walk with God in His Covenant all their days.  God had a word of encouragement for Joshua, and a word of sobriety to the Levites who were likely not going to be the responsible men they were called to be as leaders.    As the Italians say, “whaddaya-gonna-do?”

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