We are in the Christ Stream reading from The Message.
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Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
Jesus, you are such a dear Savior, comforter, friend, instructor. Your love is overwhelming, we can but be inspired to live all our days for you. Amen.
13:31-38 – With Judas now gone Jesus can make the statements He needs to make, now that the group had been cleansed of its traitor. They must love one another. It was now time for Jesus to proceed alone into a baptism that most of them would follow into within a generation or two. He would die alone on a hillside while being mocked. Jesus knew what was coming in the next 18 hours. And notice that He says He will be glorified at this point, not crucified. The disciples’ hearts were still telling themselves, “say it isn’t so…”
14 – all of this chapter was spoken to the 11 remaining disciples while they were still at the Communion Table of the Last Supper. This was in an Upper Room in the SW corner of the city of Jerusalem. It is the most heart-warming material in the whole Bible. God/Jesus promised them that there was a wondrous celestial reward waiting for them, for certain, at the end of this pilgrimage. And Jesus’ words were true because Jesus is the Truth. Their understanding of Jesus meant an understanding of God the Father. The Holy Spirit was coming to them to walk them through everything, to teach, and strengthen, and guide them all the way as they lived out their Calling. They will have peace. They need not fear anything. They must be loving; filled with love, and obedient to God. These two matters are verification of each other: to love is to obey – to obey is to love [and vice versa!]