August 15

Psalm 115-118

We are in the Wisdom Stream reading from the Tree of Life Version. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Streams | Donate

Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis

Lord, we thank you for your endless and loving care.  Amen

115 – Blessing and praise all go to the Name of the Lord our God.  He is in heaven and as real as anything; MORE real than anything we see. Idols are nothing. [In fact, “EE-dole” is the greek word for: something a human has made though it really is nothing; it is a nothing.  And yet the pagans trust in these things. Verse 8 has the stinging assessment: “those who make them become like them.” I guess that those who worship carved blocks of wood become blockheads, those who worship the earth turn into “dirtballs” and those who worship animals start acting like them in time…or acting worse actually.  It isn’t meant to be funny. It’s more the Psalmist bellowing at us to not have idols.  But the house of Israel, their God IS God. And that is the glaring / even cosmic contrast between what we worship legitimately and what the lost folks worship to no avail.

116 – A tremendous Psalm of deliverance by an attentive God who saves from death, darkness, trouble, affliction, evil men, and calamity.  In case anyone felt inquisitive the Hebrew that lands in the script without warning: kedoshim…blessed are…the death of kedoshim – that refers to those who serve God faithfully / His saints / we can presume this refers to martyrs as well.  This Psalm inspires us to live lives dedicated to our Lord and King.  It’s a great one to read especially in a ceremony to those committing to or being dedicated into ministry.
117 – As of this Psalm we have reached the middle of the Bible. It is inviting all nations to come worship and follow God.  This is The Psalms itself distilled into two verses. Paul quotes it with the same fire in his soul in Rom. 15:11 as this Psalm writer did writing 117
118 – As you listen and ingest this Psalm [play it again if you wish!] remember that it is the last Psalm that Jesus sang to end the Last Supper.  This is the last Psalm he spoke publicly with others before going to pray alone, to pray and walk through a moment of personal dread asking if there was any way that Calvary/the Crucifixion could be skipped. This is the last verse that he wanted the disciples to remember before they went into complete dismay to see their Christ Jesus be crucified and mangled beyond recognition.  We must remember this too, that whatever road or trial we find ourselves traversing, struggling through, longsuffering amid, and feeling lost in: we MUST remember that –> His love endures forever.

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