Psalm 34-37
We are in the Wisdom Stream reading the writing of King David. We are reading from the International Standard Version this week. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Streams
Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
Thank you God for being our ever present help in times of trouble, our God in every circumstance, our God who there to comfort every pain and receive every praise. Amen
David had just come through another vortex. He’s been on the run from Saul. He seeks “refuge” among the Philistines – whatever that could end up meaning! He pretended to be a nutcase so to project to the Philistine king that he was not a threat. He absolutely could NOT let the King of Gath know that he was perhaps the most brilliant battle tactician on earth at that time. But it is vital to understand David’s mentality so to ingest this Psalm for all it’s worth. David had no place to go to find safety. God is training him that the only ‘safe’ place is with HIM; his God in heaven. One literal translation calls God “The LORD of heaven’s armies” and it is a literal translation! David would, in time, be leading a vast army and God wanted David to be ingrained with a deep and unshakable trust in God. He couldn’t have him get complacent due to so many battle victories that were coming for him. He couldn’t have David become spiritually complacent once his power became among the greatest in history, or once wealth and status had accumulated. These years were necessary for David to walk through. They were his own pilgrimage; it had to happen. The backdrop of Psalm 34 was I Samuel 21:10-15. David survived this spooky incident and then wrote Ps. 34.