April 11


Psalm 22-27

We are in the Wisdom Stream today as we read from the Lexham English Bible this week.

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Melissa Disney’s CDs – Sweet Faith & Love

Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis

Today is some of, if not, the most famous literature and prayers EVER written.  Be blessed and keep reading these all your lives. My husband and I read this again and again.  And we are glad to read it with you today.

Ps 22 –   You heard Jesus quote this on the Cross.  God had not forsaken the Son. But to hang on a Cross is to feel forsaken, no matter what the Truth is.  Here is a Psalm that can only be attributed to the Crucifixion of our Lord.  And Jesus; The Truth, is on the Cross feeling forsaken, sneered at, pierced (bit by lions accd’g to this translation), his clothing getting illustratively “auctioned off”.  He’s in a bad way and calling out on God His Father.  That means that when we are in the worst of duress, we are to do that same – for God is listening.  Also it asserts that Jesus understands our plight, regardless.  That means we are never alone.
23 – When the Lord is your Shepherd, you have what you need; there is rest and peace and beauty, restoration, peace in all settings, comfort (strengthening), we are fed regardless of the surroundings.  We have anointing, plenty, goodness, love and mercy along with eternal security.  That should answer all our questions, oy mate? In all seriousness, David likely wrote this when he was a boy in Bethlehem, tending sheep.
Just over 1000 years later, angels announce to shepherds that the Good Shepherd has arrived. It wouldn’t surprise me if it all happened in the same field. Ponder that amazement.
24 –  A series of writers and biblical commentators muse that Ps.24 was what David wrote when the ark was brought back into Jerusalem as told in II Sam. 6:12-15.  The sentiment of the Psalm certainly matches the festivity of the occasion. God IS a celebration of love and remember that our entry and the beginning of heaven for us starts with worship and celebration.
25 – David is looking for rescue, guidance, mercy, a right-standing in God’s Presence,  protection, and redemption.  It’s a Psalm written and recited by a man in anguish who knows where to turn when life has taken a turn such as this.  It’s the same David of whom we see cheering and praising in other places. This is what made David a man after God’s own heart. He wanted to know and have the heart of God – so he did. Such a wonderful model David is for us.
26 – whereas 25 if ‘David lamenting, “God, I’ve messed it up here. Help me”, 26 is David nearly protesting, “God, I’ve been good about it all, don’t “diss’ me out now.  You said you were good … ”    It’s similar to us if we prayed, “uh, God, you told me to call on you and that you would answer me.  I’m calling on you now, and I need you to answer me.  I don’t want to listen to a recording, I want you to ‘pick up’.”   ‘Ever feel this way?  So did David – and it kept him in prayer.
27 – We all know what it’s like to arrive at a favorite place, be it a meadow, or a vista on the trail, or a beach, or a relatives’ house.  We pause and sigh, “wow, I love it here!!”  David says that when he sits with God.  He loves to sit with God and sing and listen and bask and rest.  Let’s let this urge us accordingly.  Don’t drift when we pray. Don’t check your watch during a sermon. Turn off your phone when in a worship service. Pull away from the screen when family is telling you something vital and impassioned. Don’t read the news or popups when your spouse is dining with you.  Come on, now.  God calls us into his courtyard.  Get there.  Psalm 27 helps us all get there.
God thank you.  Thank you and thank you again.  You ARE everything we need.  Fill us with gratitude and may it spill over back into your house as we worship with you.  Amen.

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