Job 18-20
Congrats to those who have reached this milestone of one month in the Scriptures! We are in the 2nd cycle of speeches in the book of Job. We continue in The Message translation and read chapters 18-20.
Sailing the Scriptures Daily
Job 18-20
Congrats to those who have reached this milestone of one month in the Scriptures! We are in the 2nd cycle of speeches in the book of Job. We continue in The Message translation and read chapters 18-20.
Joshua 21-24
We’re reading from The Message translation this week and today we are going to finish the book of Joshua in The Nation Stream. This marks the end of the beginning of the newly settled nation of Israel. We are reading chapters 21-24.
Genesis 18-21
We are back in The World stream in the story of Abraham and Sarah. We start a new translation today – The Message – which is a thought-for-thought translation. Despite bad decisions and major issues, Abraham and Sarah receive the promise that God has given them.