Joel 3
We are in the Exile Stream reading from the New American Standard Bible this week. | @7StreamsMethod | @serenatravis | #7Stream | Donate
Commentary by Dr. Drake Travis
Lord you are coming in clouds of glory. We have read about clouds of locusts and judgment. But we know your real love is us and restoration and being together again as blessings flow like streams down mountainsides just as blessings flow from your house. Lord we are with you and await this day.
Joel’s finale~ – Two swarmings and followed by calls to repentance have led us to a Pentecost foretelling and then comes chapter 3. As this phase of history reaches its culmination, God will restore the fortunes of Judah and Israel. The theme being “The Day of the LORD”. The nations will be gathered in the Valley of Jehoshaphat / later called the Valley of Decision. You remember the battle being recalled here from II Chronicles 20 when a huge multitude gathered against Jerusalem and commenced to march upon them when they turned on each other – until all were dead. Judah’s army simply walked through thousands upon thousands of dead enemy soldiers and gathered valuables for three days. Well, the multitudes are going to gather for judgment on the Day of the Lord as told in Joel 3. Vast wealth will be returned to Jerusalem and Judah. Slaves will be returned. It will be a great time of arighting things that have been wrong for a long time. There is Apocalyptic overtones to Joel 3 that speak of signs that will symbolize End Times, the Lord’s Return, the day of reckoning …
The blessing and bounty and peace on the land of Israel is impressive as described here: wine and milk and fresh water flow in abundance. The enemies of God’s land and people are laid waste – never to rise against Israel again for the LORD dwells in Zion; the high point of Jerusalem city. Glorious things are coming for God’s people.